John Lennon speaks the truth. I don't believe there's such a thing as wasting time. If you enjoy sitting around doing nothing, then that's one more moment of life that was ENJOYED. If you have to "waste time" to be happy, it's worth it.
According to the bible, sloth is sin. In other words, if you enjoy being lazy and not doing anything, you're going to Hell! What's up with that?
I hate that there are so many rules that come with life. Why can't we just live and be happy? If everyone just focused on their own lives, I think the world would be at peace. You might think that's just being selfish, but in the end, people like doing things for others, it makes them happy. Everything ties in. And if you don't enjoy doing selfless things, well, it's your life, why should I care?
I think people tend to take life too seriously. We put so much into the littlest things, and if they don't go our way, we freak. Sometimes you just have to take a step back and think, is this seriously important? Am I really going to even remember this in 5/10 years? Life is full of mistakes; make the most of them. Go with it.
It's okay to take things slow sometimes. I mean, I'm all for live each day like it's your last, but I also think that I most likely have a whole life ahead of me, unless of course ( knock on wood) something terrible happens. I actually try to enjoy the present, not stress over the future. Sometimes stress is inevitable, but that's only because of the standards society has set for the world. Why is it such a bad thing to be care-free sometimes?
So I know this might be a little more serious than my other few posts but...I was just thinking. It was just something I kind of needed to get out. I think about this a lot. So feel free to comment, tell me what you think! Or don't. Whatever :) And remember, time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted. Ah, I love John Lennon. And Paul McCartney. And Ringo Starr. And don't forget George Harrison! :)
Sincerely (and tiredly) yours,
Lyss <3
I agree for the most part...very insightful and wise love....but I still think time can be wasted sometimes!lol!